The best telescopes under $1000, picked by experts

The best telescopes under $1000, picked by experts

The Celestron NexStar 6SE is one of our best telescopes for under $1000. Note: This post contains affiliate links. When you buy a product through the links in this article, we may earn a commission. In this guide, we explore whether it’s possible to have a remarkable...
Hubble Returns to Science Operations

Hubble Returns to Science Operations

After a brief interruption, NASA announced that the Hubble Space Telescope is back in business. Problems with one of its gyros put the Hubble into safe mode back on November 19th. Now, the issue has been dealt with, and the world’s most productive space telescope is...

Webb identifies tiniest free-floating brown dwarf

Science & Exploration 13/12/2023 334 views 12 likes Discovery helps answer the question: How small can you go when forming stars?Brown dwarfs are sometimes called failed stars, since they form like stars through gravitational collapse, but never gain enough mass...