The Hercules galaxy cluster

The Hercules galaxy cluster

Credit: Douglas J. Struble If your observing site is dark and you have access to at least a 14-inch telescope, do yourself a favor and target the Hercules Galaxy Cluster. Its main official designation is Abell 2151, a member of a catalog of 2,712 rich northern...
How Many Planets Could Be in the Kuiper Belt?

How Many Planets Could Be in the Kuiper Belt?

A recent study published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters investigates the potential existence of Mars-sized free-floating planets (FFPs)—also known as rogue planets, starless planets, and wandering planets—that could have been captured by our Sun’s gravity long...
Is Pluto a planet? |

Is Pluto a planet? |

Pluto imaged with the New Horizons spacecraft during its historic 2015 flyby. Credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SWRI/Alex Parker In 1930 a young astronomer from Kansas, employed as an observer at Lowell Observatory in Arizona, discovered Pluto. It was the first planet in the solar...