Saturn’s moon Enceladus top target for ESA

Saturn’s moon Enceladus top target for ESA

Science & Exploration 25/03/2024 1943 views 16 likes A fresh, icy crust hides a deep, enigmatic ocean. Plumes of water burst through cracks in the ice, shooting into space. An intrepid lander collects samples and analyses them for hints of life.ESA has started to...
It wasn’t aliens. It was truck driving by the seismometer

It wasn’t aliens. It was truck driving by the seismometer

Back to Article List A new study shows that seismic activity thought to be from a 2014 meteorite instead has a more mundane explanation. The spherules or metal objects collected from IM1’s landing site Credit: Avi Loeb/Medium Seismic activity from a meteorite...
Gaia unravels the ancient threads of the Milky Way

Gaia unravels the ancient threads of the Milky Way

Science & Exploration 21/03/2024 6972 views 38 likes ESA’s Gaia space telescope has further disentangled the history of our galaxy, discovering two surprising streams of stars that formed and wove together over 12 billion years ago. The two streams, named Shakti...